Spring Updates in the Dining Room

Spring Updates in the Dining Room

So I mentioned that I’d swapped a few things around in the dining room when I shared a few updates in the living room last month. The biggest one: deciding on a whim to swap the rugs between the two rooms. I’d meant to show you the result of that swap soon...
Nailing Down Plans for the Kitchen

Nailing Down Plans for the Kitchen

Aside from some shiny new accessories and a little DIY, I haven’t really talked much about the kitchen recently despite it being on my ‘hit list’ for the year. The last time I really talked about my plans was in September when I was in two minds...
How to Become a Freelance Blogger (Part II)

How to Become a Freelance Blogger (Part II)

If you are a blogger and you are thinking of taking that next step to enable you to freelance or wondering how to turn your blog into something that makes you enough money to pay your bills then this one is for you. (And if you are a freelancer yourself, then I’d love...

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