Apr 15, 2020 | Decorating Advice |
I’ve always loved eclectic design. Long ago, I read a quote in an interior design book (and I so wish I remember who it was to credit them) but to paraphrase it essentially said: nothing dates a room faster than everything being of the same era. If you think...
Mar 25, 2020 | Decorating Advice |
The following post contains a paid advertising feature for Oak Furnitureland. Unlike those impulse accessory purchases for our home, buying a piece of good quality-furniture is nearly always an investment. For many of us, we may have had to take time to save up for a...
Mar 11, 2020 | Decorating Advice |
I think a lot of people confuse having a clean home with an organised one. And yes, they are similar when you’re talking about being able to relax in your home and not see piles of stuff everywhere but they aren’t exactly the same thing. Organising is...