Oct 22, 2018 | Dressing Room, Stuff I Like |
The following is a paid advertising feature for Philips LED Lighting. I admit, a fewΒ years ago when I heard that the EU would eventually introduce a ban on halogen bulbs, I panicked a bit. I considered stockpiling them, buying enough to last me a good few years so...
Oct 19, 2018 | Stuff I Like |
So first, let me just say this post isn’t sponsored in any way. I had heard that River Island was going to expand it’s offerings beyond fashion to create a home collection and to be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. But I’m always...
Oct 5, 2018 | Stuff I Like |
I realise that things have been a little quiet around here of late! If you follow me on Instagram, you may know that I have been away in Portugal for 8 glorious days. Having been invited to a wedding there by two friends, a group of us figured we’d make the most...
Aug 29, 2018 | Shop in the Spotlight |
I realised recently that I have talked about MADE’s products in numerous posts before and yet, for some unknown reason, I’ve never dedicated a post to their wares. Really, that’s a shortcoming on my own part because if you have been hiding under a...
Aug 8, 2018 | Shop in the Spotlight |
Somehow, it’s August and it’s still like a kajillion degrees outside. I admit this summer has been one of the driest and warmest I can remember in a very long time so I’m certainly not going to complain – it’s actually been rather...
Jul 25, 2018 | Stuff I Like |
A few years ago, I decided I needed a bit more storage for both my dining room and my office. I decided to go vintage with each – mid-century modern to be exact – and in both cases, found exactly what I was looking for. Pieces that worked well for my...