Jun 5, 2013 | Competitions, Stuff I Like |
There’s nothing I like better than a beautiful interior design book, flipping through the pages, capturing the insights and imagination of the authors along the way and immersing myself into a certain aesthetic; so when Publishers Hardie Grant contacted me to...
May 29, 2013 | Bathroom, Stuff I Like |
First off, thanks so much for all the comments on my little Ikea Rast hack reveal!Β I wasn’t sure what kind of reception that would get so it’s just nice to hear y’all can appreciate my slightly cooky decorating ways!Β Now, on with today’s...
Apr 10, 2013 | Stuff I Like |
Although I do get a lot of requests from various companies to review products, I only really accept the ones that first of all I like and that I think you guys might like too.Β Well, when The White Company asked if I wanted to try out their new lovely white ceramic...
Mar 24, 2013 | Kitchen, Stuff I Like |
As I said in my previous post, despite having my heart set on stained butcher block counter tops, I was starting to fall out of love with the idea because of the horror stories I was reading about their maintenance. With high-maintenance slate flooring already...
Mar 19, 2013 | Blogging, Kitchen, Stuff I Like |
I should have spent my weekend going through all my pictures and writing up my post from when I went to Meet The Blogger London but I was basically too excited redesigning my blog to do it. So that’s going to have to wait. I know, I’m a crappy...
Mar 14, 2013 | Stuff I Like |
I know, I’ve been a terrible blogger – what with not posting for a whole week and all. I was away all weekend for the Meet The Blogger London event and while it was absolutely fabulous hanging with lots of bloggie mates, I went back to work a little...