Aug 6, 2014 | Shop in the Spotlight, Stuff I Like |
I need to start this post off introducing you to my new little mate.Created by a company called Sootcookie (derived from the Afrikaans word for ‘sweet biscuit’ referring to the way they are baked in a kiln), he’s called a ‘Space Bunny’...
Jul 23, 2014 | Blogging, Stuff I Like |
First a post on fashion and now one on beauty products – what the heck is coming over me?! I’m gonna be hashtagging my posts with #oowt and #bblogger soon if I keep this up.Ok, I’m joking really. The thing is, I created some really cute beauty...
Jul 13, 2014 | Fashion, Stuff I Like |
Now I’m no fashionist, don’t get me wrong here. And I’m not about to turn Swoon Worthy into a fashion blog with selfies and #OOTD hashtags. That’s just not my bag so fear not, there will be no duck pouts or pigeon-toed poses in this post....
Jun 25, 2014 | Stuff I Like |
I didn’t want to think it could be possibly true. That thick horrible raised design wallpaper that I absolutely despised removing from my dressing room walls, the stuff that seems to be on every last-renovated-in-the-90’s wall… it seems to be...
Jun 10, 2014 | Stuff I Like |
As you are probably aware from my own home, I’m a massive fan of the bar cart. Β Okay, so we don’t generally have lots of wild parties at our (old) age. Β However, when we do have guests, it certainly provides a talking point and when we don’t,...
May 11, 2014 | Dining Room, Kitchen, Living Room, Master Bedroom, Stuff I Like |
So it’s properly Spring (nearly Summer!!) and my plants are finally thriving. I’ve picked up a few new ones recently so I thought I’d show ya around the house where my plants live!First up is the kitchen…Now, I seem to be utterly obsessed with...