Jun 17, 2019 | Stuff I Like |
So let me start the post by saying this isn’t sponsored in any way by George at Asda. I was searching around for a few bits, went on the site, saw the “Sunbaked” collection and thought it was pretty ace in terms of budget buys and so just went ahead...
Jun 10, 2019 | Decorating Advice |
Whenever I have visitors, the one thing they often notice is how many plants and flowers I have in nearly every room. I’ve always loved how plants and greenery make a whole room just look so much more alive and finished and vibrant and I’ve often said if...
Jun 3, 2019 | Outside Spaces |
As I mentioned in my recent post, we recently added a new deck to our back garden and this weekend, we (well, Wayne) installed the paving slabs for a patio in front of where the new kitchen will be. And while we haven’t been able to do much inside the house...
May 15, 2019 | Outside Spaces |
So the good news is that the building phase is officially complete! Can I get a ‘hell yeah’?! Of course, this doesn’t mean it’s done done. Oh, not by a long shot – we have so much to get on with ourselves but essentially, all the things...