8 Productivity Hacks for Freelancers

8 Productivity Hacks for Freelancers

For all the many, many joys of working for myself, it does have its occasional downsides. Staying motivated when you have no one to answer to but yourself is one of the more difficult ones. I admit, there are some days where I get to the end of the day and wonder what...
Summer Garden Reveal in Peaches and Pinks

Summer Garden Reveal in Peaches and Pinks

I think sometimes this is just how things go when you are updating your home: one small change leads to another and another and then all of a sudden, you’re knee deep into a brand new look! (Whoops) And this is essentially what’s happened with our back...
Best of the UK Summer Sales for Home

Best of the UK Summer Sales for Home

While I don’t normally like to do two blog posts in a row which encourage you to shop, I really couldn’t resist sharing some of the summer sales with you today. Mid-summer is normally a really good time to stock up on anything you need in your home as...

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