I went to Glasgow last year for the first time.Β  It was the day after we’d moved everything out of W’s house and into storage and moved our necessities to W’s mum’s house for 6 weeks whilst we waited to close on our house.Β  Needless to say, we’d been packing for 5 days straight, lifting heavy things and playing what felt like a giant game of Jenga, in order to fit almost everything we owned into a 8ft cube.Β  Add to that the stress of buying a new house, what with mortgage deals and solicitors and timing and I can say pretty securely, it wasn’t the easiest of times.

We’d made the plans with a group of friends months before, however, so when the day came, despite our exhaustion, we drove the 3 1/2 hours north to enjoy the Scottish city.Β  The thing I remember most about that weekend is how exhausted I was the entire time.Β  I had no idea that moving a few things would really take it out of me.

Therefore, I’d love to go again.Β  And when we do venture those few hours up the M6 and the M74, I would love to pay a visit to the Corinthian Club.

The 5 floors which houses private bars, dining rooms and function rooms for most any occasion is just astonishingly beautiful.

Who needs a stamp rug when you can have something like this?

Among it’s many offerings is this amazing casino.Β  Now I’m not much of a gambler but in these surroundings, I don’t think I would really mind losing a few quid.

The building has an interesting history, having started life in 1852 as the Glasgow Ship Bank.Β  In 1929, the addition of many false walls and ceilings hid it’s beauty from the public eye when it was converted to justiciary courts.

From the website…

“In 1999, G1 Group painstakingly restored the ‘Grade A Listed’ building to its former splendour. This work included the reconstruction of the Roman Doric pilastrade and the restoration of the elaborate cornicing, superb sculptural plasterwork, free-standing classical figures and extensive gold-leaf work.”

Splendour indeed.

The ceiling here is breath-takingly out of this world.

How fabulous is the lighting?Β  Perfect for this space.Β  It’s all about scale, isn’t it?

The Boutique is perfectly feminine.

Stunning isn’t it?Β  I think the things about the Corinthian Club that I like the most is the combination of classic shapes with modern and that every single room has a bit of sparkle.Β  What do you like the most?

I must also apologise for the lack of posts lately.Β  The combination of not much going on in the way of our own home renovation and the ridiculous increase in my workload has meant I haven’t had as much time as I like to blog and to visit everyone else’s blogs!Β  Promise to see you all really soon and hope you have a fantastic week!

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