Firstly, I need to apologise that I’ve not been around much the last few days – things have been a bit hectic around here but there are reasons for this which I will get to soon…

In the meantime, just a warning – this blog post is going to be just a mishmash cuz I’ve got a few things to show you and a few things to tell you!!

First, we’ll start with the SHOW!

I thought I’d start with a couple little before and afters and some new stuff I bought…

And I’m gonna have to start in my dining room.Β  Sorry, sorry, I know I said I’d get to other rooms soon but yeah… this happened:Β  I finally did something with my Bar Cart!
It’s gone from a rather tacky ‘faux marble’ green…Β 


To clean and simple white…. Although I’m now considering a brighter colour – orange maybe?Β  Hmmm.

Also, this little guy got a makeover…Β  He was being used as a door stop and was looking a little worse for wear…

So I gave him a rather shiny coat of gold spray paint.Β  And now he’s got pride of place on the mantle.

What else?Β  Well, I finally got around to lowering the light fixture in here as well.Β  It was far, far too high.Β  So I took some more of my shiny gold spray paint and sprayed the heck outta the white ceiling rose…. andΒ  then combined it with a gold cord.

And now, after being lowered around a foot, it looks a little bit better.Β  I know, it’s still technically too high but if it’s much lower, we can’t see the television from the kitchen!! Hahaha!Β Β Β  Hey, it’s all about priorities people!Β  ;)Β  I want to replace this light fixture for something more exciting (a chandelier? a sputnik style fixture?Β  Don’t know yet!) but until then, it’s an improvement.Β  I might go a bit lower when we do replace it eventually…Β  (Strangely, it looks higher in the pic than it does in real life.Β  Odd.)

Speaking of gold, look how pretty my new little bowl is!Β  I got it in the Zara Home sale.

What else did I get in Zara, I hear you ask… well, let me just tell you!Β  (And you’ll be happy to know we’re moving into the living room!)

How sweet is this sexy little ashtray?Β  No, it will not be used for it’s intended purpose – it’s only for pretty sake!Β  I like to think that’s a little monogrammed ‘W’ for the man in my life.

I also got this gorgeous golden bowl from Achica.Β  I have no idea yet what I’m going to put in it, I just like looking at it for now.Β  Shiny!!

I also added a geometric print cushion to my sofa (the same pattern will be available in the shop – which is launching SOON!).Β  I added some white pom pom trim at the edges just for fun…

So now I’m finished with the SHOW part of my post,Β 
it’s time for some TELL!!

See, thing is, I’m going to be going away for a week.Β  A long, lovely week away in Lanzarote with my Sweetheart.Β  But don’t fear, I will not leave you all stranded!Β  In fact, I’ve got a great week planned for you!!Β  I have welcomed not one… not two… but FIVE incredible bloggers to fill in for me while I am away.

This is waiting for me… sorry, really must go!

In honour of my going away, I have asked each of them to share a favourite space or a favourite place – either home or away.Β Β  The spaces they have shared are so amazing, I can’t wait for you to see!

Now, each of the five bloggers has their own unique style and I believe will each bring something a little different to my blog.Β  I am very very confident Swoon Worthy will be in excellent hands but would you all be as fabulous as you always are and welcome them with lots of comments?Β  Cuz if you do, I will totally be your bestest friend and I will brush your hair and will tell you you’re pretty.Β  Because you are.

And when I get back, I’m going to be launching my fabulous new shop and will let you know all about a fabulous giveaway!!Β  Yay!!Β  So be sure to come back on Thursday for the first Guest Post and I will see all you gorgeous ladies when I return…

Off to drink some of these in the sunshine, try not to miss me ;)


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