So where did we leave off?Β  Oh yes, the Meet The Blogger Stockholm Sunday Design Tour!

Can I just say in the interests of full disclosure that the Scandic Grand Central Hotel that we all stayed in was rather wickedly cool as well?Β  It was.

On Sunday at 1pm, about 75 of us bloggers rocked up to do a walking tour of Stockholm and hit up some of the big name shops that pepper Stockholm’s beautiful city.

That cutie patootie smiling at the camera is the lovely Emelie of Blomsterbloggar

We started the tour with goodie bags which contained a lovely cushion cover from Elce Stockholm.Β  And then we hit the cold but beautifully sunny streets.

First up was Bemz which creates covers for Ikea furniture in all kinds of delicious fabrics.

Then we hit a very big favourite, Lotta Agaton – I have to humbly admit I had never heard of them previous to this trip but apparently they are a huge hit with the Scandi blogging crowd and I can see why.Β  They opened their shop on a Sunday just for us and we crawled all over each other to get shots.Β  The place was pretty amazeballs.Β  Also, I purchased two prints for my gallery wall (I’ll show them to you soon but they are EFFING COOL).

This is where they also have their offices as well.Β  It’s just a pretty cool place really.

So after that, we went from ‘pale & interesting Scandinavian textural neutral zone’ to a decidedly more colourful pallet and a bit of a legend in Stockholm, Svensk Tenn.Β Β  There was loads in there that I loved (SO MUCH BRASS OH MY GOD) but it was mega expensive and I’d blown my cash on the two prints so I just had to admire from afar.

They were putting in Michael Anastassiades’ exhibition To Be Perfectly Frank in the exhibition space there and it was simply amazing.

Finally we ended the day at DesignTorget which is a hipster cool shop featuring fun designs from lots of up and coming designers.Β  I had a big blog fail in that I forgot to take pictures of that particular haunt.Β  Whoops.Β  Oh well, it was all very contemporary and not entirely my style so there ya go.Β  I have to say, the champagne that greeted us there went down a treat because by then, we were all rather tired and needed the extra bit of bubbles to keep us going into the evening!

With all the goodie bags we collected through the day, I got some rather lovely booty as well.

In all, it was an amazing trip and one which I will remember for a very very long time.Β  If you get the opportunity, come to Meet The Blogger London which I’m going to be attending.Β  It would be great to meet more UK bloggers this time around!

And now for my news…

Guess who is going to be in these magazines?

Erm… yeah.Β  Little ol’ me.

Ya see, while I was in Stockholm I got two emails on the same freaking day.Β  One from Red, saying they’d like to do an interview for a feature on 4 women who are “interior experts” (!?!) who live in fabulous homes.Β  They’ll be using some existing photography from the House Home shoot.

The email from 25 Beautiful Homes is a FULL PHOTOSHOOT of the house and an interview.Β  Like a proper feature.


And peoples, this stuff is happening like dead quick.Β  My interview with Red Magazine is Friday (as in tomorrow!!) and the full photoshoot for 25 Beautiful Homes is next Friday.Β  I’m bricking it but SO FREAKING EXCITED.

*and breathe*

Told ya it was a good weekend :)

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