Sorry for the radio silence this week – it’s been a busy one.  While I would have loved to be sharing another big update on Operation Bathroom Remodel, alas, we didn’t do too much work this weekend.  We got some more tiles up but not enough to be really worthy of a blog post so I’m going to hold off just for this week.  The reason we didn’t do too much is because I have a photo shoot on Thursday for a rather exciting project (yay!) so the house really needed to NOT be a complete and utter mess as it has been while we’ve been working.

Essentially, I gave Wayne the weekend off so I can clean up and prepare ;)

I realised while I was prepping and cleaning that I’d not really shown the living room since I put the new curtains up.  At the time, I said the room was pretty much done and I did mean that but I’ve made some small changes that make me happy when I walk in so I thought you might like to see them!

First up is an awesome little nest of brass and mirror side tables that I scored from Zara Home when they had their sales recently.  With Β£15 shipping costs, you have to take advantage when it’s free, no?  And they had a lot of fantastic things drastically reduced (these are normally Β£119 and I got them for Β£99).  I’ve been searching for the perfect table for between these two chairs for like FOREVER and I’m really happy with using the larger of the two in here.  (The other one is in the dining room so I’ll save it for another post.)

I’ve had the plants for a while but I love the way they all look against the windows – I’m a little plant happy at the moment and the place is turning into a bit of a greenhouse but it doesn’t stop me from buying more!!  And the table works really well with the vintage brass coffee table in here.

Another plant – a Lily – has been added to the wallpapered chest of drawers as well.   I also swapped out the black lampshade for a pale wood effect drum shade that I already had just to lighten up the space.

The coasters are fairly new as well from Next Home.  They are a pale blue mosaic glass and they sparkle in a rather lovely manner.

Let’s see… what else?

Oh, I added my art, Continental Drift I and II to the living room wall a while ago and added a little print to just balance it all out above the sofa.  Not totally sure it’s going to stay like this or if I’ll add another piece or two – it’s still a work in progress.  Apologies for the wonky cushions, I really should have straightened them out before taking pictures!!

Here’s a few more little shots… Picked up some pretty carnations and filled them out with some greenery.  I’ve said it a hundred times but carnations are SO underrated.  I love ’em.

So, like I said, I had thought this room was pretty much done but that’s never the case is it?!  What’s on my hitlist at the moment?  Well, there are two areas of this room that I feel let it down.

Here’s one…

We bought that black unit a couple years ago and it was a vast improvement on what had been there before and it fit the rather petite dimensions of the alcove perfectly.  But now I’m feeling like perhaps that corner could benefit from something a bit nicer.  Perhaps a vintage unit or cupboard – something that doesn’t make me wince when I look in that direction of the living room.

 Here’s the other area that clearly needs some attention…

This is a bit more difficult because I’m not really sure what I’m looking for here.  I like the art but it’s not really making any kind of real statement in the room – it’s almost a throwaway wall that’s not particularly noticeable.

The obvious solution to this completely boring space is a gallery wall but I don’t know if I want a gallery wall there as I already have a pretty dramatic one in my dining room.  I want something else – something like a wall hung unit or some shelves or picture ledges maybe?  I don’t know though, I need to figure it out.

So while I SAID the room is finished, it’s obviously not as I’m going to be keeping my eye out for both inspiration for that wall behind the yellow love tub as well as a unit for the television.   Stay tuned…

In the meantime, are you as obsessed with houseplants as I am right now?  Score anything fab from the Zara Home sale?  Just fancy telling me about your weekend?  I’m all ears.

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