So I told you on Monday thatΒ I finally replaced the light fixture in my dressing room. This is actually the 3rd or 4th light I’ve had in here (I can’t even remember anymore!) and while I liked the sputnik style one I’d had in here before, more than a year ago the light decided to die on me. A bulb blew and after replacing the bulb and poking around a bit in the electrics (the technical term for whatever it was that Wayne looked at at the time), we couldn’t figure out what was wrong. And so, I have been living without an overhead light in here for a very very long time. I have had a couple of lamps in here to pick up the slack but I really needed a ‘big light’ to well… see.

brass and glass globe light fitting from Next

I’ve been keeping my eye out for something simple and pretty but there wasn’t anything that had really turned me on (geddit? turned me on? like a light?!) so I was dragging my heels on replacing it. That is until I saw Karen from Making Spaces’ post on Next. Eureka! I didn’t want to spend a lot of money but I did want something attractive and their Spheres 6 bulb light just ticked all the boxes.

Affordable lighting in brass and gold

Installing the light wasn’t too difficult. The electrics part of it – well, for Wayne who has experience in these things – was straight forward. The only small complaint was that those wires are fully adjustable and they don’t come all nice and evenly spaced for it to hang properly so we had to mess about for a bit to get it to hang straight the way we wanted to. I suppose it would be handy if you don’t have very high ceilings and still wanted the effect with shorter wires dangling down. Or adjust it to change it from a symmetrical light to an asymmetrical one. So yeah, you have options. It didn’t really take very long to do but I just thought I’d mention it!

dressing room lighting

It’s really lovely and bright now in my room and I couldn’t be happier with the look. It’s sexy and simple but looks far more than it’s Β£130 price tag. It’s incredibly reasonable considering how difficult it is to find great looking lighting in this sort of price range so well done, Next!

dressing room round mirror with mint green wallpaper

On Friday, I’m going to be sharing a little bit about how I organise my makeup but for now I thought I’d share a few extra shots of what the room is looking like at the moment. I’d love to do another complete rehaul in this space as it’s been nearly 5 years since I wallpapered it. At the time, I was really into bright pinks and turquoise and a couple of years ago, I decided to give it a bit of an upgrade so toned down the pink/turquoise accents and just carried on with the mints and gold instead.

dressing room shelf styling

The small prints at the top of that bookcase (you can see the DIY on those here) are fairly new from Desenio. I figured they were sufficiently ‘fashiony’ for the room.

dressing room shelving

Of course, me being me, after 5 years of living with this wallpaper (which I think is pretty good going considering how often I change my mind!) I’d love to change it… but I really want to finish the rest of the house before even considering that so let’s just leave that one on the back burner, shall we?

dressing room vanity with leopard print cushion

One thing you should know just in case you aren’t familiar with this room is that it’s TINYΒ – it’s our ‘box room’ and so only measures 2.13M x 2.83M (or 7ft x 9ft3″) and getting pictures in here is a bit difficult.

dressing room hanging rail and shelving

Still, despite it’s more bijou size, I know how lucky I am that I get a room all to myself. I lived with tiny wardrobes for years and I don’t think I could ever go back to it!

creative jewellery storage

So that’s a little overview of what it’s currently looking like – no big huge changes or anything but I’m not exactly a ‘fashionista’ so it works for me. As I said, on Friday, I’ll be sharing some of my storage tips for makeup so stay tuned for that! In the meantime, what do you think of the new light in here?

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