Okay, so perhaps you don’t need ALL 15 table lamps. But you need at least a couple of them. Well, at least I feel like I do. Strangely, I don’t really have that many in my home. Oh, I actually had quite a few that I’ve been squirrelling away like some kind of weird… erm… squirrel… but I actually got rid of quite a few in our big clearout. So I’m down to one in the living room, one in the dining room, 3 in my bedroom and 2 in my office. Okay, so perhaps I have enough now but every once in a while, I just get a hankering for a new one.
A vintage glass number that’s been in my living room for around 6 years, if not more!
So seeing as I am not allowed to shop for anything for my home until we actually move (when is it gonna happen? WHEN?! I DON’T KNOW DEAR GOD. Sorry that damn frustration comes out at times.) I have to just window shop for now. I’ve been scouring the interwebs for some pretty ones and honestly, the interwebs did not disappoint.
Actual representation of what my brain looks like when I’m lamp shopping.
I figured I’d share some of my findings. The most expensive one is just under £300 which, okay, is pricey for a table lamp but it’s ridiculously gorgeous (who doesn’t want a palm tree in their house?! I mean, seriously.) and would be a total talking point in a room. However, most of them are well under this price range and many are under £100. Now for something that can not only add gorgeous pools of light into your room but make a statement at the same time, it’s a wealth of bargains. Let’s check them out first.
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1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Some of my favourites…
3. Rockett St George – How beautiful is this blush number? It has a gorgeously vintage look but that colour pulls it right up to the 21st century and I love it. Two either side of your bed would be stunning.
5. Audenza – Yes, that’s the lamp that’s the highest priced on here but it’s also quite possibly one of the most spectacular. The curves and texture would look marvellous in any space that has a lot of hard square edges so consider popping it on a really contemporary sideboard or hell, on your kitchen worktops for something really different.
6. Oliver Bonas – Oh my god, I want to eat this pink lamp, it’s just so damn cute. Perfect in an office. And as I’ve realised I’ve chosen quite a few pink lamps for this post, I’m thinking I might need to get one.
8. Debenhams – At just £76, this is my favourite of the whole bunch I think. It has a gloriously contemporary feel and the gold table shade is just ridiculous (in a good way). I love, love, love this one. I might have to buy it despite my total spending ban.
15. House of Frasier – And finally, I’m also rather enamoured by this beauty. The base is almost brutalist but that lovely mushroom top has a very mid-century feel. It’s crazy and beautiful and I need it in my life.
So those are just a few of my favourite picks I’ve seen around the web! Any favourites of the ones I’ve chosen? How many lamps do you have in your home? And can you really ever have enough?
We have been after a lamp for our new sideboard for about a month now and I keep falling in love with ones waaaay out of our budget! Both the BHS & Debenhams ones though are a right find, I’m heading over there now! Goes with out saying but the Rocket St George ones are just stunning (anyone fancy clubbing together and we can take turns with it??)
This is a great roundup, thank you. We splurged on a table lamp during the recent redecoration of our lounge. It’s the most I’ve ever spent on a lamp but I get the happy feels every time I look at it – https://www.made.com/rita-table-lamp-brass-and-marble : )
Good luck with the move!
I have the HOF ones but I brought them from Perch & Parrow as they are £15 cheaper!
Those lamps are really cute.A lamp kept in any room would definitely brighten up the entire space.