Hey I’m back! Sorry about the radio silence last week – I came down with the most rotten cold and was just completely out of action for a few days. As a freelancer, I don’t really get any paid sick leave (!) so I still had to get the writing I do for my clients done so I only just about managed to scrape together the energy required to get my work done (writing with what feels like a brain full of porridge is not all that enjoyable it turns out) and the rest of the time, I was under a duvet on the sofa watching Netflix, cuddling my fur babies and feeling sorry for myself. I’m still not 100% but definitely feeling better now so hurrah! I know so many people who’ve been sick recently and beyond feeling like crap, it’s just so damn inconvenient. Anyway… I’ll shut up and stop moaning and get on with my post today.

You know how much I love design-led High Street retailers with really affordable prices so whilst sick, of course, I had to do a spot of online shopping. I was looking for some pretty planters initially but kind of got swept up in the affordability and style of Urban Outfitters. I’m sure the shop isn’t new to you but they just have some fabulous things at the moment that I wanted to share.

Now, painful as it is for me to admit, the UK-based site doesn’t quite have the selection that our US friends have (I almost made myself depressed looking at the selection over the pond because it’s just vast) BUT that doesn’t mean we don’t have some really amazing things here on our lovely little island.

So first for what I actually purchased. No, I’m not sure where they are going just yet but in my Lemsip haze, I wanted some good old retail therapy to feel better.

I love updating my interiors with items from a design-led High Street retailer. Check out some of my favourite affordable pieces from Urban Outfitters.

The first thing I bought was this little plant pot. It’s so simple and pretty and I can think of like 20 different places it could go in my home. At just Β£15, it was too good a price to pass up. Gimme.

Trigg large hanging wall vessel - Urban Outfitters

I also purchased two of these brass wall planters. They might end up in the dining room but if not, then I think in the kitchen planted up with some herbs might also be a lovely idea. They are Β£25 each but you can get a set of two smaller ones for Β£30. Bargain.

Here are some other lovelies that I spied.

Pompom shower curtain- Urban Outfitters

This really reminds me of a simpler version of the shower curtain I have in my own bathroom from Anthropologie which was Β£100 (ouch) except this one is only Β£30. And it has POM POMS. I don’t think there are many things in this world that can’t be improved with the inclusion of pompoms. They are little tiny balls of happiness.

Brigid shelf - Urban Outfitters

How freaking beautiful is this round bookcase? I absolutely adore it. It’s not exactly cheap (Β£300) but what a statement piece. I wish I had somewhere to put it. If you wanted it a little more glamtastic, you could always cover the wood shelves with marble contact paper or of course, just leave those wood shelves alone for a little rustic boho goodness.

Regency side table - Urban Outfitters

I’ve seen similar little side tables like this going for Β£300-Β£500 but this one? Β£120. I mean seriously. I’m thinking a pair of these would make sweet little bedside tables or it could work really well stuck in a little unused alcove drippingΒ in a whole fabulous collection of plants.

Hexagon side table - Urban Outfitters

Another cute, design-led and totally affordable alternative is this sexy number, also Β£120. You can never have enough side tables, right?

Hanging planter - Urban Outfitters

I REALLY wish this came a bit larger but if you have a smaller plant and you want a glam ceiling hanger for it (ie, not macrame), I am loving this simpleΒ dome planter for Β£14. I doubt you could even DIY this for cheaper.

Vintage gold trolley - Urban Outfitters

As much as I adore my bar cart, if I was in the market for one, this would be a serious contender. I really just love that extra detail with the filigree metal work surrounding those mirrored shelves. At Β£290, it’s a little more of an investment but it sure is pretty.

Crosley palms record player - Urban OutfittersAnd finally, I have absolutely no need for a record player seeing as it’s 2016 and I haven’t owned a record since I was a teenager buying vinyl. And yes, even then it was seen as ‘retro’ and it was only because some of my favourite indie bands were releasing singles on 7″ because it was the cool thing to do in the early 90s. However. I want this Crosley beauty so bad it hurts. PALM LEAVES PEOPLE. But paying Β£160 for something Β that would simply sit there looking pretty and collecting dust doesn’t seem to be the best use of my money at this time. However, someone needs to buy this please so I can live vicariously through your own impulse purchases and also dammit why did I throw those albums away?!

So, those are some of my picks from Urban Outfitters. Have you seen anything on UO lately that’s caught your eye? Any favourites of my own selections? Spill!


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*Nope, this isn’t in any way sponsored, I just think Urban Outfitters has some nice stuff and wanted to share.

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