Well I’m back after a two week break and I have to say, as much as I’ve enjoyed my little hiatus, I’ve MISSED YOU GUYS!! So I thought to burst back onto the blogging scene with something I’ve never done before. Yes, it’s time for me to come out from behind my camera, sit in front of it and answer all the questions that were asked for in this post.

5 year blogiversary video sw intro

Thank you to everyone who asked questions and I hope you enjoy the answers! I think video is a great way for you guys to get to know me just a little bit better and to give you a taste, here are justΒ SOME of the things I’ve covered in this video:

  • How to make friends with British people
  • How the rest of the world views Americans!!
  • My thoughts on everything from following trends to creating a truly unique look
  • The history of English muffins (yep I went there)
  • Who I’d swap homes with in a hot minute
  • The furniture your cats won’t scratch (and why)
  • Who would play me in the film of my life (it might surprise you)

Plus, there’s a guest appearance by a certain little leopard-print cat (yes, Meisha couldn’t help but make herself the star, she definitely steals the scene here).

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I really enjoyed doing this and while I’m totally and completely inexperienced in ‘vlogging’, I do hope you enjoy watching! I realise it’s a bit long (there were a lot of questions and I do like to talk, what can I say) so I’ll apologise to those of you who might have to come back to watch when you have a few minutes. But I would LOVE for you to settle in and watch andΒ let me know what you think!

Also let me know in the comments if videos are something you’d like to see more of in the future (obviously interspersed with normal posts and obviously shorter than this one!) and/or if you have any ideas you might be keen on me covering in video format in the future! Enjoy …


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