So in my last update about the garden, I shared with you some of the rather embarrassing ‘before’ shots. Yes, the west side of the garden was a mess and we desperately needed help to figure out what to do with it!  Thanks to the experts at Homebase, we had a product that would make us look like actual gardeners and no one would be the wiser.  Except for you kind folks (but that’ll be our secret, ok?)

The product Homebase offered us to help us look like expert gardeners was a product called Garden on a Roll which is basically an entire side garden border, created by a gardening expert – in a box.  Seriously.

Here’s a little video explaining it much more coherently than I can…

If you can’t watch the video, here’s what it is…

You’ll receive an inspirational garden border theme that is easy to plant and which importantly makes garden maintenance easy to do for years ahead. Be inspired and discover some great garden ideas! Choose from a selection of beautiful garden border themes designed by award winning TV gardener Antony Henn.

Each garden on a roll kit contains everything you need including quality garden plants, garden tools, instructional DVD and book. Plants will include a gorgeous mix of flowering border plants, perennials, shrubs to evergreens that have received the RHS award of garden merit. The bio-degradable paper garden plan shows precisely where to position your border plants, whether as ground plants or on a raised bed, so that everything is in exactly the right place. Simply cover over with bark chippings or compost and watch your beautiful plant and flower border flourish!

So erm yeah, how genius is that?!  You simply prepare the area, roll out the biodegradable paper and start planting.  That’s it.  Instant garden border.  Gotta love it.

The scheme I chose (and there are quite a few to choose from) was the Mixed Sunny Border – it assured us of a great mix of perennials and shrubs that would provide interest all year round.  The thing I hated about our garden when we first moved in was that the entire thing died in the colder months – there was just nothing attractive about it from around November all the way through March – that’s a long time to be looking at ugly.  We’d already taken a few steps to add some shrubs but I loved the idea of having different flowers blooming all year too. So it was perfect for us, especially as the east side of the garden gets sun pretty much all day long – well, as much as we get oop North ;)

The image above shows the selection of plants we received with it – there were around 23 in all to cover our 60cm x 6 meter long stretch.  That’s a lot of plants that I didn’t have to research or plan out!!  Hurrah! But before we could get to planting, we had a big job of clearing to do.

The existing plants and ivy were taking over and so we knew that our first step was removing nearly everything to give us a nice clean slate.  This was by far the hardest part of the entire makeover and took us an entire day to dig out the border and remove the old fence from one end to the other, including replacing the door into the garden at the side return.

Wayne started on the ivy along the fence while I tackled digging out the existing plants, weeds (horrible ones with big spiky thorns!) and roots along the border.

Don’t let this picture fool you into thinking Wayne did all the hard work.  He most certainly did not.  In fact, by the end of the day, this is what happened to my trusty spade.


But was I defeated?  No, no I was not.  Even through thorny weeds and spiders crawling up my arm and bugs in my hair (OH THE HORROR) I carried on.  I’m a martyr for the cause me.

So this is what things were looking like about three-quarters of the way through…

And this is the devastation that was our garden…

Yeah.  It’s gotta get worse before it gets better, right?

Finally, after removing all the ivy and digging out the entire border save for a few plants we wanted to keep (ones we’d planted ourselves since we moved in and the peonies), we could finally get started on replacing the fence panels.

One of the things we wanted to address was that we want our garden to be both neighbourly but also provide us a bit of privacy.  We live on quite a typical Edwardian street and for my readers not familiar with properties like this is in the UK, they are built quite close to each other.  So our gardens are all right next to each other with a fence dividing each of them.

This has both good points and bad points.  The good thing is that we’ve actually been able to get to know our neighbours – the low fencing on each side gives us the opportunity to chat towards the end of the garden (and happily for us, we actually really do like our neighbours!).  The downside of course is that you have less privacy with 3′ fences! So as a sort of compromise, we replaced one of the 3′ fences nearest the patio with a larger 6′ fence, leaving the rest in their smaller size for that little bit more privacy near to the house.

Once the fence was in and we filled three whole green bins of garden waste (our neighbours on each side volunteered their own bins bless ’em (see told you they’re nice!)), we were left with this…

Well, that’s better no?  Especially when we’d started with this…

Even after filling 3 full garden waste bins we still managed to fill 8 black bin bags full of garden waste which was then taken to the tip along with all the other DIY rubbish we had at the side of the house.  There was a LOT of stuff removed.

At the point where it was all cleared away, we were nearly at the point we could start planting our Garden on a Roll!

But even Pablo was looking at us incredulously that we’d manage it all within a 3 day weekend…

Stay tuned to find out if we did!

This post and project is in association with Homebase and some of the items used in our makeover were provided to me free of charge for my review.  All words and opinions expressed and images shown, however, are very much my own.

Don’t miss a thing!

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Ad (Press Sample) There are few kitchen products that are considered absolute classics but there is one that I have lusted after for YEARS and that is the utterly iconic @lecreusetuk large casserole pot. 🤩

For nearly a century, Le Creuset has been trusted for its superior performance, lasting quality and iconic design and the enamelled cast iron allows incredible versatility - not only can you use it with just about any heat source (from induction, glass, electric etc), you can also do everything from stir-fry to slow cooking to baking a cake in it and more. 

So, imagine my delight when Le Creuset got in touch to ask if I'd like to shoot their brand new colourway 🍑 Pêche 🍑 in my kitchen. I mean, there couldn't be a more perfect colour match with that juicy coral shade which if you've followed my account for any length of time, you'll know is one of my all-time favourites (not to mention that beautiful soft gold knob! 😍). The matching petite casserole dish and mugs are the perfect companions but you could easily mix and match this colourway with Le Creuset's other designs (Might I suggest the Sea Salt, a soft blue-green which would be gorgeous with Pêche). This new juicy summer shade is currently available exclusively at Le Creuset Official. I'd love to know which colourway is your favourite in the range?

#lecreuset #kitchendesign #kitchenstyling #kitchinspo #victorianhome #englishhome
My little neglected makeup/dressing room has had a glow up 🥰

#swoonworthy #beforeandafter #dressingroom #makeupvanity #closetgoals
My new rug can't compete with that belly.

Rug is from @laredoute_uk (not an ad) not that anyone cares 😅

I've really loved making these pretty reusable Christmas crackers! I'm still in the process of finding cute bits for filling them but they'll definitely be a centrepiece for my table this year!🎄💕

Suggestions for what to fill them with coming soon!

(By the way, I'm not a skilled seamstress so I'm sure my techniques can be improved but just sharing what worked for me 🤗😅)

Let me know if this is something you'd try? ❤️

#swoonworthy #christmasdecor #christmascraft #diychristmas #diycrafts #easysewingproject
On 22 October 2022, I married my best friend! I can't believe it's been a whole year (and one day) I've been calling @2nilup my husband 🥰 We've been together for 15 years now and I simply can't and wouldn't want to imagine my life without him ❤️ 

#youandmeagainsttheworld #2222 

Photography: @violajayphotography 
Flowers: @primroseavenuefloral 
Dress: @camillawithlove

I've been thinking about making refillable crackers for so many years now - I just hate the waste the disposal ones create! So I'm so excited I've finally gotten around to starting this project!

I will be sharing more details on how to make them as well as ideas for what to fill them with too so stay tuned for more but in the meantime, what do you think? 

#swoonworthy #diychristmas #christmasdecor #christmascraft #easysewingproject #sustainableliving #ecofriendlyliving
Just wanted to introduce my latest plant baby in my dining room 🪴

It's from @botanique_shrewsbury and it's a Peparomia (I am probably pronouncing it wrong, I keep wanting to say

I decided on a whim, 2 weeks before we were expecting visiting family, that our guest bedroom was in desperate need of a refresh.

Well there's nothing like an impending deadline to light a 🔥 under my 🍑 and I managed to clear out the clutter, repaint the woodwork, ceilings and walls and hang wallpaper as well as restyle the room in one week 😅 (Meisha was zero help 😼)

I'm calling it Boho Vintage Victorian Grandma 😆

This wasn't sponsored in any way but the wallpaper and bedding is from @lauraashleyuk and the paint is @earthbornpaints Peach Baby - everything else I already had!

What do you think of the new look? ❤️

#bedroombeforeandafter #guestroom
#bedroomdecor #cottagecore #vintagestyle #victorianhouse #ihavethisthingwithpink #bengalsofinstagram

ad | One of my favorite things to do in summer is sit around the fire pit in the evenings with a cold beer 🍻 There's just something incredibly relaxing watching those flames and embers crackle, warming yourself up and taking the edge off falling temperatures as the sun sets!

Thanks to @homefireuk they've made the whole process incredibly easy and enjoyable with their Handy Firepit Bundle which include 2 bags of kindling, 2 bags of natural firestarters and 3 large bags of kiln-dried logs 🪵 for a really great price! 

No more standing around waiting for things to light properly or billowing smoke from wet wood, everything burns beautifully! ☺️ We literally sat around this for hours as the logs last so long, long after the sun set, just chatting and enjoying ourselves! 🥰🍻🔥

Do you love a good firepit in the summer?

#homefire #readytoburn #smokelessbyhomefire #heartofyourhome #logsbyhomefire #summerideas #firepit #gardenideas
San Sebastian photo dump - just a tiny selection 😄

We have had such a fabulous holiday to Basque Country - our first 4 days spent in the beautiful city of San Sebastian, land of pintxos, stunning architecture and some damn good wine.

#sansebastian #travelgram #photodump
A little kitchen reshuffle today so I thought I'd share 🥰

It's been 4 years since we created this space and it's still one of my favourites ♥️

#kitchendesign #kitchendecor #kitcheninspiration #kitchenideas #openshelvingkitchen #kitchenstyling
Ad 🩷 Before and after Deck makeover! 🩷

This little decked patio was looking worse for wear after a wet winter but @frenchicpaint came to the rescue with their beautiful Dusty Blush Alfresco Paint, perfect for all your outdoor projects!

The deck has been a few colours over the past few years but this is definitely the most fun and gives the whole space such a tropical vibe - even in Shrewsbury! 🏝️ 🦩🍹😄

The paint has incredible coverage and was so nice to use - I loved the tools they provided too, especially the oval brush which got into all the nooks and crannies easily!

Let me know what you think of the new colour! 

#frenchicpaint #beforeandafter #deckmakeover #gardeninspiration #gardeninspo #outdoorproject
So on a whim I decided to paint the bedroom pink yesterday 😅🩷

This room has been neglected for so long as I've wanted to fully redecorate for about 3 years now but there are always other bigger priorities or a lack of time/energy/money so I keep putting it off 🙃🙃🙃 (tell me I'm not the only one) but happily this didn't cost a penny as I used what I already had although it did take me the best part of a day!

I went through my paint stash and found that I had extra @coatpaints Percy from when I did the living room early last year -- well I'm not one to let something this good go to waste (honestly this paint is absolutely wonderful to work with and has amazing coverage) and my goodness it's just so pretty in here 🥰 I also moved my pink curtains from my office into here and the whole room just glows!

I might actually be able to live with the mural a little longer until the room gets the attention it deserves! Let me know if you like the change ♥️

*For those who are wondering, it used to be white walls and I had grey curtains! 😅

#swoonworthy #bedroomdecor #bedroommakeover #bedroomdesign #pinkpinkpink #pinkinteriors
A little photo dump from my recent living room shoot because I still love to dig into the details of a still photo 😄💕

#swoonworthy #swoonworthyscents #livingroominspo #livingroomdesign #photodump
ad How to De-stress at Home in 6 Simple Steps 😊

April has been #stressawarenessmonth and so I've teamed up with the wonderful @frenchbedroom to share a few simple tips in creating a cosy sanctuary at home!

One of my favourite ways to add a feeling of comfort and relaxation is with glorious touchable textures and the stunning Mulberry Silk ruffled cushion from French Bedroom not only looks spectacular but feels incredible too! Pairing this with other feel-good fabrics will add depth to your design and will beg you to sink in and unwind 😍

French Bedroom are also now stocking my own home fragrance brand @swoonworthyscents candles, adding another element of calm with scent to your home. I chose No 02 Sunday Morning for my living room with rejuvenating Jasmine and refreshing pine and lemon notes 🥰

Check out my latest blog post for more tips on creating a relaxing sanctuary in your home via the link in my bio!

#swoonworthy #swoonworthyscents #frenchbedroom #livingroominspo #livingroomdesign #calming #aesthetic #cottagecoreaesthetic
Who needs pancakes when you can have Lemon Drizzle Cake with Lemoncello glaze?! 😉🍋

I've had such a craving for this cake for a while so figured I'd make it today! This is a recipe from @bbcgoodfood and it's rather gorgeous 🥰

#baking #lemondrizzle #lemoncake #bakewithlove #shrovetuesday
Are you lucky enough to be owned by a cat? 🐈🐾

#bengallove #bengalsofinstagram #bengalcat #bengal #catsofinstagram #catlife
Finally managed to get the gallery wall completed in our hallway!

I couldn't have been happier with @violajayphotography capturing our little intimate wedding in October and knew as soon as I saw the photos I had to print them for our home! I admit, I've never been one to hang photos but it's probably because all we ever had after 14 years together was selfies 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm so pleased we finally have some lovely shots of us together 🥰

Do you have photos of you/your partner/your family up around your home?? 🤔

#gallerywall #autumnwedding #hallwaydesign #hallwayinspo
✨These little vintage copper pans needed some TLC! ✨

After searching for a while for vintage copper pans, I found these on eBay - they looked quite grim on the ad but I knew they could be shined up nicely! A little @barkeepersfriend later (not an ad!) and I'm loving how they look in my kitchen 🥰

Let me know if you like the new addition ❤️

#kitcheninspo #kitchendesign #vintagestyle #kitchenstyling
Oh hey living room, nice to have you back ☺️

I always feel very ready to remove the excess of Christmas decor pretty much as soon as the 26th arrives but I've been later than usual this Twixmas as we've both been unwell the last couple weeks 🤦🏽‍♀️ Nevertheless, I've managed to get things packed away and I styled this little faux arrangement today for my coffee table so ya know, small victories 😄🙌🏽

#livingroom #livingroominspo #fauxflowers #coffeetabledecor