I’ve been nominated for the third year in a row inΒ the 2016 Amara Interior Blog Awards!Β How lovely is that??

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If you’ve been following me for a while here, you’ll know that last year I had resigned myself to the fact it was unlikely I was going to win – the competition was really tough (there are some genuinely great blogs listed) and I had a lot of mixed feelings as to whether to try again at this one. To have somehow managed to be shortlisted twice was just a huge honour in itself so why do I think this year will be any different? Honestly? I don’t know! *facepalm* But well, I figured, why not.

Once again, I’ve been entered in the DIY/Crafts category. I looked at the other categories to see if I might be a better fit elsewhere and to be honest with you, none of them were any closer of a niche for my blog. For instance, the ‘Best Design Inspiration’ category criteria includes, “Engage readers through the examination of specific products within the interior industry, as opposed to focusing entirely on showcasing whole design projects /Β Have coverage of the top design shows throughout the year including Home London and London Design Week, along with the latest design news” and yeah, Swoon WorthyΒ isn’t really that kind of blog. There are just other blogs that do that kind of thing much much better than I do as that is their specific focus.

So yeah, same category this year again! And well, y’all know how much we like DIY around here. ;)

I just hate asking you guys to do something for me here but alas, it’s all part of the process. I need your vote to get me to that next stage of the competition and it would just mean so much to me if you can help a girl out! This will likely be the last year I do this so I figured I might as well go out with a bang.

A massive, massiveΒ thank you to everyone who has already voted for me. It honestly does mean the world to have your support. Especially when you already do so much for me by coming and visiting here on my little corner of the web. While an award doesn’t really change much in the day to day life of a blogger, having an accolade from your readers and your peers is pretty freaking special because there isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not grateful you spend your time with me.

So here goes…

If you’ve ever been inspired to get creative, to tackle your home without fear, to add some colour, to mix some patterns, to dollop on some gold, to take on aΒ DIY or just make your home a better place to be after reading Swoon Worthy, I would love it if you could please throw a vote my way.



PleaseΒ click HERE to vote!

Thank you so very much!


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