I just thought I’d pop in today in case you were wondering what the heck is going on around here. Yes, you’re in the right place, I’ve just given the blog a new look. Again.

I think as this is my little stomping grounds on the interwebs, I treat it a bit like my home. Sometimes, you just get bored looking at the same things all the time and a refresh is entirely necessary.

(Also, don’t you love how Meisha matches my blog look in the little instagram pic below? Leopard-print is most definitely a neutral, I don’t care what anyone says.)

Only a year ago, it looked like this… (oh dear)

But I made a few changes over the last year, tweaking and updating the look and up until just recently, this is what the logo looked like (in case you needed reminding)…

Despite all the little changes I’d made over the last year, I still felt that I needed to scrap the old logo and the old look and start fresh. And I think the new look is exactly that:  fresh, clean and classic (at least that’s the look I was going for!). Obviously I couldn’t leave my ‘blinging’ tendencies alone so the gold was, of course, always going to stay… The little arrow is just for fun ;)

I am loving the combination of black, white and gold and so I’ve splashed around a bit of black too.

There is still some tweaking to do so apologies if something is a little wonky or isn’t working quite right at the moment – I’m not a designer and have very little experience with HTML except for googling things and trying them out so your patience is appreciated – I’m getting there! I’ll probably continue to tweak it in the coming weeks to sort out any weirdness…

Anyway, I hope you like it.  Do you feel the need to change your blog like you do your home? And what do you think of the new look?

Don’t miss a thing!

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