You may remember if you’ve been reading for a while that I’ve spent a very long time debating what kind of curtains to get for the living room and what direction I should go.Β  I’ve changed my mind a ton of times – do I go with raw silk (expensive) or a pattern (too much with the wallpaper?) or a colour (which colour?) or white (is that playing it too safe)?Β  Do I make them myself, do I buy them ready made or what?!Β  It’s taken me 2 1/2 years, the pressure of an upcoming photoshoot and a fateful trip to IKEA to solve my dilemma.Β  As soon as I spotted these light turquoise curtains, I knew they’d work.Β  Like deep in my heart of hearts, I just knew.Β  Despite a heart-pounding, physical reaction to them, urging me to run to the till with my find, I still grabbed a pair of plain white panels just in case these didn’t work out – a girl’s gotta have a Plan B, right?

Happily, I didn’t need a Plan B.

The material is a lovely weighty cotton velvet which works nicely with the olive velvet sofa and yellow velvet love tub.Β  I simply hemmed the bottoms – IKEA curtains are fabulously long in a full 3 meter length which you just can’t find with most ready made curtains.

It’s amazing what a difference window treatments make!Β  I’m learning, I’m learning.

The colour ties in rather nicely with the rest of the pops of turquoise I have in the room.

So all’s well that ends well!Β  There’s not too much more required for this room, believe it or not.Β  I still like making small changes – new accessories and things like that…Β  Check out my new brass crane for example.Β  More for my brass animal army.

I still want to replace the little table between the two hoop chairs and we never did add the final trim around the flooring (such bad DIYers!) but at least the major elements of this room are here.

I would also love to put in a real fireplace someday but we’ve got so much yet to do in the rest of the house that having one room pretty close to damn near DONE fills me with glee and I know that these niggles will be resolved in time.Β  Happy Days.

Remember when the living room used to look like this?

Wanna see a breakdown of all the things we’ve done in this room?Β  My house tour goes through the whole messy process!

What do you think of the new curtains?Β  Think I made the right decision or should I have gone with something else?

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